The Soul of Leadership Model



Since launching WorkChoice Solutions, LLC in 2000, David O’Brien has invested well over 10,000 hours exploring the wide realm of leadership with a single question in mind. Namely, what separates truly great leaders from all of the rest?  To be sure, this pursuit has been a learning continuum driven by countless conversations with leaders and teams all over the world as well as considerable reading, writing and self-reflection. The Soul of Leadership model represents the sum of this continuum as well as a framework for leadership excellence. Even more importantly, it represents an opportunity for all leaders to take their influence and impact to a higher level. 


Impact & Value:


Today more than ever before, leaders are called upon to be the role models for excellence at every juncture. Absent tremendous clarity and purpose, most leaders simply will not be able to seize every role model opportunity. As such, their full leadership capacity is diminished. The Soul of Leadership model and related methodology is designed to change that outcome by helping leaders to clearly define their True North which is the sum of their values, intentions, purpose and behavior. The resulting clarity allows leaders to not only seize the role model opportunity more often, but also to inspire positive role model behavior among their teams.  Additional benefits include, greater alignment with organizational and team goals, increased productivity, expanded influence and a deeper understanding of self and the leadership opportunity.


Delivery Options:


The full benefit of the Soul of Leadership model can be recognized through one-on-one coaching or group delivery. In either scenario, our proven Links to Learning process is incorporated over an extended period to help guide, reinforce and ensure long term benefit for the leader and organization.


Learn More:


We invite you to contact us to explore how the Soul of Leadership model can help take your team and organization to the next level.  Please contact David O’Brien directly at 860.242.1070 to arrange for a no-cost, no-obligation conversation.