Strategic Succession Planning 

One of the most critical challenges facing organizations today is the need for a systematic plan and process that helps to identify and develop the key leaders of the future. Many factors drive this need but chief among them is the aging of the “baby boomer” population and the ongoing competition for talent.  When organizations utilize a proven Succession Plan methodology they are assured that not only are the right people identified but also that the right plan is in place to eliminate business disruption and ensure long term success.




Our Strategic Succession Plan services incorporate a "best practice" approach that most often targets the Tier One leadership team as the most critical launch point for a broader Succession Plan activity. The methodology we utilize includes a standardized 360 assessment called the PS (Performance Skills) Leader Survey. The PS Leader assessment instrument measures 24 leadership skills within a well researched competency model that mirrors the leadership competency model found in most high performing organizations.  The competencies describe both what successful leaders do (e.g., plan and execute, solve problems, and make decisions) and how they do it (e.g., through the use of flexibility, influence and interpersonal skills). The PS Leader competencies were determined based on an extensive research effort that included more than 12,000 supervisors, managers and executives in both public and private sector organizations. The on-line assessment instrument includes a total of 82 survey questions that are answered by four Rater groups including, Self, Supervisor, Direct Reports and Peers



A five (5) phase process that includes Planning, Organizational Assessment, Feedback Analysis, Succession Plan Development and Succession Plan Implementation is utilized to ensure that the outcome is consistent with organizational goals and expectations. The following is a summary of activities related to each of the five phases:




  • Review and confirm project goals, sequence and associated time lines.
  • Define target jobs and high potential candidates based on organizational needs and established performance criteria.   
  • Define target list of Raters for each high potential candidate.
  • Define linkage between organizational leadership competencies and PS Leader assessment competencies.
  • Develop project implementation strategy with all internal communications.

Organizational Assessment:


  • Refine and finalize target list of Raters for each high potential candidate.
  • Conduct one-on-one meetings with Executive leadership team and participating high potential candidates to effectively position initiative.
  • Administer PS Leader 360 assessment to targeted group of high potential candidates.

Feedback Analysis:


  • Review individual feedback reports to develop framework for individual development plans.
  • Design 12 month development road map for high potential candidates.
  • Conduct one-on-one feedback meetings with high potential candidates to interpret feedback report and to initiate preliminary development plan discussion.

Succession Plan Development:


  • Conduct one-on-one executive summary meetings with key executives to provide feedback insight into division specific high potential candidates and to create a standardized coaching framework for managing individual development plans. 
  • Finalize Succession Plan and present same to key sponsors.

Succession Plan Implementation & Management:


  • Prioritize 90-day Action items and initiate discussion with executive sponsors regarding 90-day milestones.  
  • Monitor progress at months 3, 6, 9 and 12 and make recommendations as necessary.

Key Goals of every Strategic Succession Plan Initiative:

  • Create a framework for identifying and developing high potential employees as part of a long term Succession Plan & Retention Strategy.
  • Develop a metrics driven Succession Plan with key milestones.
  • Expand the leadership capacity and impact of high potential leaders.
  • Aid in the retention of key leadership personnel.
  • Demonstrate the organization’s ongoing commitment to employee development and leadership excellence.

Please contact us to learn more about our proven succession planning capabilities